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Union Station Neighborhood Steps in to Create Activated Public Space
Community Gardens

DENVER, June 4, 2024 — A fenced-off area between Wewatta Street and Chestnut Place on 17th Street in the Union Station neighborhood of downtown Denver is being transformed into the dynamic 17th Street Community Gardens, a public space that includes community garden plots, a sound garden and a stage for live music and events. The Central Platte Valley Metropolitan District (CPVMD) operates and maintains the public space and partnered with Denver Urban Gardens (DUG) and RTD to create and manage the enhancements slated for completion later this summer.

...Now There's a Community Garden

June 14, 2024 — Over the past decade, Denver’s relatively new Union Station neighborhood was touted as both one of the city’s most desirable and least desirable places to live — a hub of luxury and a hotbed of crime. A new Denver Urban Gardens community garden behind the station and above the bus terminal is the latest attempt to restore the neighborhood to its pre-pandemic glory...

New Community Garden Opens in Downtown Denver

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